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The Pont du Gard is a magnificent testament to Roman engineering. This ancient aqueduct bridge impresses with its grandeur and precision, while the surrounding nature reserve invites exploration and relaxation. The on-site visitor center enriches the experience with historical and ecological exhibitions.

Journey back to the Roman Empire with a visit to the Pont du Gard, an ancient aqueduct bridge that is one of the most remarkable and best-preserved examples of Roman engineering. Located in the South of France, this UNESCO World Heritage Site was built in the first century AD to carry water over 31 miles to the Roman colony of Nemausus (present-day Nîmes).

Standing over 160 feet high, this three-tiered marvel was painstakingly constructed from local limestone without the use of mortar. It's not only a testament to the architectural prowess of the Romans, but also to their understanding of the natural world, as the aqueduct's gradient is so subtle that it drops only 17 m over its entire length.

Take the time to explore the surrounding area, a scenic nature reserve that's ideal for walking, cycling, and picnicking. For a different perspective, consider a canoe trip on the Gardon River below the aqueduct.

The visitor center provides insightful exhibitions about the history and construction of the Pont du Gard, the Roman Empire's presence in the region, and the site's ecological significance.


Estimated Cost


Estimated Time to Visit

2-3 hours

⚠️ No COVID data currently available for this location.⚠️

Please be sure to research COVID restrictions for Pont du Gard elsewhere to ensure you have accurate travel information before you plan your trip.

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