Portree is a charming coastal town on Scotland's Isle of Skye. With its rich history, stunning natural landscapes, and affordable prices, Portree is a must-visit destination for budget-minded travelers. Explore famous landmarks, hike through the Cullin Mountains, and sample delicious traditional dishes while immersing yourself in Scotland's vibrant cultural heritage.
Portree is a charming coastal town located on the Isle of Skye, a part of the Inner Hebrides islands in Scotland. It is well-known for its natural beauty and is a popular destination for tourists visiting Scotland.
History and Culture
Portree has a rich history and culture, dating back to the 16th century. It was once a hub of industry, including fishing and sheep farming, and has since become a popular tourist destination. The town is home to several historic landmarks, including the 19th-century Old Man of Storr and the famous Fairy Pools. It is also a hub for traditional Scottish music and dance.
- Old Man of Storr
- Fairy Pools
- Portree Harbour
- Aros Heritage Centre
- Scorrybreac Walk
- Cullin Mountains
Day-Trip Ideas
- Old Man of Storr
- Fairy Pools
- Cuillin Mountains
- Talisker Distillery
- The Storr
The nearest airport is located in Inverness, with regular flights from major UK cities. From there, visitors can take a bus to Portree or rent a car to drive. Portree also has regular bus connections to other parts of Skye and mainland Scotland.
There are a variety of accommodation options in Portree, including hotels, guesthouses, and Airbnb rentals. Prices for a standard room in a hotel range from £50 to £150 per night, while Airbnb rentals start from around £30 per night.
Food and Drink
There are several affordable places to eat in Portree, including cafes, pubs, and restaurants. Seafood is a specialty in the area, and traditional Scottish dishes such as haggis and Cullen skink can also be found.
Portree is generally a safe place to visit. However, visitors should take normal precautions and keep valuables secure. There are no known scams in Portree.
Climate and Weather
The climate in Portree is temperate with mild winters and cool summers. Average temperatures range from 41°F in winter to 59°C in summer. The best time to visit is from May to September, when the weather is warmer and drier.
Travel to Portree can be considered budget-friendly, with accommodations and meals available at reasonable prices. The overall cost of travel, including transportation, accommodation, food, and activities, is estimated to be around $60 to $180 per day.
- Local currency: British pound sterling
- Local Language(s): English, Gaelic
⚠️ No COVID data currently available for this location.⚠️
Please be sure to research COVID restrictions for Portree elsewhere to ensure you have accurate travel information before you plan your trip.
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💧 Humidity (Average)
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👍 Rated by Members
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💃 Nightlife
📡 Internet
🤝 Friendliness
🇬🇧 English Speaking
👱♂️👨🏾 Racial Tolerance
🏳️🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly
👩🏻 Female Friendly
👨👩👧👦 Family Score
🌡 Temperature (Now)
🎓 Education Level
👍 Liked by Eurotriprs
✌️ Peace (no wars/pol. conflict)
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📡 Free Wifi
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❄️ A/C
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😘 For singles
👩❤️👨 For couples
🌦 Weather
☔️ Rain (annual)
☀️ Sunshine (hours per day)
💨 Wind
🚶♂️ Easy to get around
👨🦽 Accessibility
🧹 Clean
🤗 Hospitality
🦹♂️ Safety
There are no Eurotrips for Portree yet.
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Current COVID Restrictions 😷 for Scotland.
Current Active Cases: 7,009 🤮
Percent of Population: 0.13%
👉 View COVID restrictions at Gov.scot
Last updated July 13, 2021
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