Dubrovnik is a city in southern Croatia fronting the Adriatic Sea. It's known for its distinctive Old Town, encircled with massive stone walls completed in the 16th century. Its well-preserved buildings range from baroque St. Blaise Church to Renaissance Sponza Palace and Gothic Rector’s Palace, now a history museum. Paved with limestone, the pedestrianized Stradun (or Placa) is lined with shops and restaurants.
⚠️ No COVID data currently available for this location.⚠️
Please be sure to research COVID restrictions for Dubrovnik elsewhere to ensure you have accurate travel information before you plan your trip.
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See something wrong or missing? Edit ✏️ the scores for Dubrovnik
🤩 Overall Score
💵 Cost
🌡 Temperature (Average)
💧 Humidity (Now)
💧 Humidity (Average)
🎉 Fun
🚶♂️ Walkability
👍 Rated by Members
🚙 Trafic Safety
📡 Internet
🤝 Friendliness
🇬🇧 English Speaking
👱♂️👨🏾 Racial Tolerance
🏳️🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly
👩🏻 Female Friendly
👨👩👧👦 Family Score
🌡 Temperature (Now)
🎓 Education Level
👍 Liked by Eurotriprs
✌️ Peace (no wars/pol. conflict)
🏥 Hospitals
😃 Happiness
📡 Free Wifi
👨💻 Co-working places
❄️ A/C
💵 Income Level
😘 For singles
👩❤️👨 For couples
🌦 Weather
☔️ Rain (annual)
☀️ Sunshine (hours per day)
💨 Wind
🚶♂️ Easy to get around
👨🦽 Accessibility
🧹 Clean
🤗 Hospitality
💃 Nightlife
🦹♂️ Safety
There are no Eurotrips for Dubrovnik yet.
🚧 I am still working on this feature. 🚧
Current COVID Restrictions 😷 for Croatia.
Current Active Cases: 82,193 🤮
Percent of Population: 2.00%
👉 View COVID restrictions at Gov.hr
Last updated July 13, 2021
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