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The Guadalquivir River, flowing through Andalusia, provides a rich tapestry of Spanish life. From its source in the Cazorla mountains to its end in the marshlands of Doñana National Park, this river promises diverse experiences - historical cityscapes, lively social scenes, serene cruises, and vibrant wildlife encounters.

The Guadalquivir River, a distinctive and vibrant feature of Andalusian geography, flows leisurely through the Spanish heartland. This grand river, the fifth longest in the Iberian Peninsula, stretches over 408 miles, carving its path through the enchanting landscapes of southern Spain.

Originating in the Cazorla mountain range, the Guadalquivir River eventually finds its way to the Atlantic Ocean, culminating its journey in the marshlands of Doñana National Park. Along its course, it nurtures a multitude of cities, including the historical Andalusian gems Cordoba and Seville.

In Seville, the river comes alive with a variety of activities. Cruise rides are popular, providing a unique vantage point to appreciate Seville's enchanting skyline, including landmarks like Torre del Oro, Triana district, and the Maestranza bullring. As the sun sets, the riverbanks are transformed into a lively social hub with locals and tourists alike enjoying tapas in riverside restaurants or simply strolling along the charming pathways.

Further downstream, the Guadalquivir River delta forms the Doñana National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, renowned for its biodiversity and vibrant birdlife, attracting nature enthusiasts from around the world.


Estimated Cost

Costs depend on the activities. A river cruise in Seville is around $20.

Estimated Time to Spend Here

This could vary widely depending on the activity and location along the river, but a river cruise typically lasts about 1 hour.

⚠️ No COVID data currently available for this location.⚠️

Please be sure to research COVID restrictions for Guadalquivir River elsewhere to ensure you have accurate travel information before you plan your trip.

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image of Seville
☁️ 46°



Seville's flag

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