The Patriarchal Cathedral Basilica of Saint Mark, commonly known as St Mark's Basilica, is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Venice, northern Italy. It is the most famous of the city's churches and one of the best known examples of Italo-Byzantine architecture.
⚠️ No COVID data currently available for this location.⚠️
Please be sure to research COVID restrictions for St. Mark’s Basilica elsewhere to ensure you have accurate travel information before you plan your trip.
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🤩 Overall Score
💵 Cost
🌡 Temperature (Average)
💧 Humidity (Now)
💧 Humidity (Average)
🦹♂️ Safety
🎉 Fun
🚶♂️ Walkability
👍 Rated by Members
🚙 Trafic Safety
💃 Nightlife
📡 Internet
🤝 Friendliness
🇬🇧 English Speaking
👱♂️👨🏾 Racial Tolerance
🏳️🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly
👩🏻 Female Friendly
👨👩👧👦 Family Score
🌡 Temperature (Now)
🎓 Education Level
👍 Liked by Eurotriprs
✌️ Peace (no wars/pol. conflict)
🏥 Hospitals
😃 Happiness
📡 Free Wifi
👨💻 Co-working places
❄️ A/C
💵 Income Level
😘 For singles
👩❤️👨 For couples
🌦 Weather
☔️ Rain (annual)
☀️ Sunshine (hours per day)
💨 Wind
🚶♂️ Easy to get around
👨🦽 Accessibility
🧹 Clean
🤗 Hospitality
There are no Eurotrips for St. Mark’s Basilica yet.
🚧 I am still working on this feature. 🚧
Current COVID Restrictions 😷 for Venice.
Current Active Cases: 0 🤮
Percent of Population: 0.00%
COVID restrictions not available at this time.
Last updated July 13, 2021
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