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Granada Cathedral, a jewel of Spanish Renaissance architecture, is a testament to Granada's rich religious heritage. With its imposing facade, expansive interior, intricate sculptures, and historical treasures, it offers visitors a deep dive into the city's history and artistry.

In the heart of the bustling city of Granada, Spain, the grandeur of the Granada Cathedral, or Cathedral of the Incarnation, captivates the eyes of visitors. This masterpiece of Spanish Renaissance architecture, which took over 180 years to complete, is an iconic landmark that beautifully reflects the city's rich history and religious heritage.

As you approach, the cathedral's magnificent facade leaves a lasting impression with its intricate detailing and robust pillars. Upon entering, you're greeted by an expansive interior, marked by colossal Corinthian columns, ribbed vaults, and an awe-inspiring main altar.

One of the cathedral's key highlights is its Capilla Mayor, the main chapel, where a magnificent circular arrangement houses sculptures of Catholic monarchs by famed sculptor Alonso Cano. The contrast between the stark, white stone interior and the vibrant, gold accents creates a stunning visual experience.

Don't miss the opportunity to explore the numerous chapels that flank the main nave, each with its own unique character and artistry, including valuable paintings and sculptures. Also noteworthy is the cathedral's treasury where a collection of religious artifacts is on display.


Estimated Cost


Estimated Time to Visit

1-2 hours

⚠️ No COVID data currently available for this location.⚠️

Please be sure to research COVID restrictions for Granada Cathedral elsewhere to ensure you have accurate travel information before you plan your trip.

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