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The Chateau des Baux-de-Provence is a medieval fortress offering stunning views and a journey into history. Explore the ancient ruins, medieval siege weapons, and the enchanting village of Les Baux-de-Provence. With the surrounding olive groves, vineyards, and the immersive Carrières de Lumieres nearby, this destination blends history, culture, and natural beauty in a Provencal setting.

Perched high on a rocky outcrop in the Alpilles mountains, the Chateau des Baux-de-Provence transports you to a time of lords, knights, and epic battles. This medieval fortress in the heart of Provence offers sweeping views of the surrounding olive groves, vineyards, and the Mediterranean Sea.

As you wander through the ancient ruins, you can almost hear the echoes of past battles. The chateau's stone ramparts, keep, and defensive towers remind you of the fort's military significance. Nearby, you'll find a collection of reconstructed medieval siege weapons, including a trebuchet, which was essential for breaking down fortress walls.

A journey through the château isn't complete without a visit to the adjacent village of Les Baux-de-Provence. Its narrow, winding streets are filled with charming boutiques and cafes. Don't miss the Santon Museum with its display of traditional Provencal figurines, and the Yves Brayer Museum, which showcases the works of the renowned painter.

For a surreal experience, check out the nearby Carrieres de Lumieres. In an abandoned quarry, this multimedia exhibit projects works of art onto the stone walls, accompanied by music for an immersive art experience.


Estimated Cost

Entry to the chateau: $9

Carrières de Lumières multimedia show: $15

Estimated Time to Visit

4 hours

⚠️ No COVID data currently available for this location.⚠️

Please be sure to research COVID restrictions for Chateau des Baux-de-Provence elsewhere to ensure you have accurate travel information before you plan your trip.

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